Friday, November 14, 2014

What I Made for Dinner :: Ara-jiru (あら汁)

I was browsing the fish section at the Korean market and noticed that the salmon heads were reasonably priced. I was in the mood for a new kind of soup and quickly googled ara-jiru (あら汁), basically a miso-based fish scrap soup.

It's really quite hearty with carrots, potatoes, daikon radish, nappa cabbage, and scallions. As an added bonus for my daughter, I added abura-age (fried tofu 油揚げ). You can use any kind of fish scraps to flavor the broth.

[leftovers with rice makes a delicious & filling meal]

Sadly, no one else seemed to like it, and I was stuck eating a 6-quart pot full of soup! The problem with ara-jiru for people who aren't used to eating fish is that it can be bony, which means extra caution -- and work! -- when you eat it. Also, although salmon is a fairly universally loved fish, it can be quite fatty and fishy when cooked this way. Maybe it was all just too much for my kiddos?

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